

  • 古川  慧(技術研究所)
  • 岡澤  岳(技術戦略室)
  • 小林 勝広(技術開発部)
  • 関  泰三(名古屋支店)
  • 木田 健一(名古屋支店)
  • 沼田 茂生(技術研究所)


Multi-building energy management system at Chubu University for a smart community

by Kei Furukawa, Takashi Okazawa, Katsuhiro Kobayashi, Taizou Seki, Kenichi Kida, and Shigeo Numata

In July, 2012, Chubu University and Shimizu Corporation built a smart grid system for managing the energy demands of several buildings on the Chubu University Kasugai campus. The system uses several dispersed generators to meet these electric power demands and is able to control demand response during power shortages. Moreover, the system can automatically send emails to the persons in charge when power-saving measures need to be taken for the external equipment. We have achieved a 24.3 percent reduction in dairy peak load and a 29.5 percent in electric energy cunsumption in the first year. To test the system’s effectiveness, campus faculties were added one by one to the system. The system proved able to manage the energy demands of the entire campus, which represents a smart community.

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