

  • 米村 惣太郎(技術研究所)


Ecological Study of the Conservation and Restoration of an Endangered Plant Species, Penthorum chinense Pursh

by Sotaro Yonemura

Penthorum chinense Pursh is an endangered plant species that inhabits wetlands, such as riverbeds and fallow paddy fields, and is likely to require conservation or restoration through development works. It is important to establish methods of conservation and restoration in terms of biodiversity. The purpose of this study is to obtain ecological knowledge for conserving and restoring P. chinense . The autoecological characteristics were examined, and the relationships between the distribution of P. chinense and the environmental conditions or maintenance manners in a river and fallow paddy fields were surveyed. The results of the introduction and restoration of P. chinense in an artificial planting site in the wetland of a regulating reservoir were evaluated.

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