

  • 高瀬 大樹(技術研究所)
  • 南部 世紀夫(技術研究所)
  • 秋本 大輔(LCV事業本部)


Estimating Anxiety About Nighttime Crime from Physical Characteristics of The Environment
-University campus case study-

Daiju Takase,Sekio Nambu and Daisuke Akimoto

We propose a method of estimating crime anxiety on a university campus using objective measurements taken from the environment. In addition to field counts of the number of passers-by, the objective indexes used include ‘horizontal illuminance’ and ‘number of visible meshes’, representing the openness of the surroundings as obtained from campus drawing data. Multiple regression analysis is performed with these three objective indexes as explanatory variables and ‘sense of security’ as the objective variable. Significance is demonstrated at the 1% level. We attempt to estimate the psychological ‘sense of security’ from these objective measurements of the physical environment by applying a multiple regression equation.

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