
- 天井の耐震改修を中心として -

  • 櫻庭 記彦(技術研究所)
  • 鈴木 健司(技術研究所)
  • 尾形 晃弘(東京支店建築第2部)


Retrofitting of “Yasuda Auditorium” of the University of Tokyo
- Focusing on seismic retrofitting of the ceiling -

by Fumihiko Sakuraba, Kenji Suzuki and Akihiro Ogata

In the renovation of the Yasuda Auditorium of the University of Tokyo, seismic retrofitting of the ceiling was very important for the safety of users. The retrofitting has been accomplished by "directly fixed ceiling system" that has been developed by incorporating the latest findings after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake into the retrofitting method for ceilings. This paper provides an overview of the retrofitting work and discusses the materials used, the results of verification experiments carried out on a shaking table, and important considerations in implementing the work.

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